Monday, February 6, 2012

Canadian Landscape

Dear Grade Fives!
Today, in your Blog response, I would like you to write a complete   paragraph about our Canadian landscape, the highs and lows. You have completed a relief map and so I would now like you to describe the diverse landscapes that make up our country.
Remember, I am still expecting a well-crafted paragraph. To help ensure this, please use the checklist very carefully. It is intended to make it easier for you to complete a writing assignment successfully. Take advantage of it.
As usual, I look forward to reading your responses.
Love, Mrs. French


  1. Here is a paragraph about Canadian landscapes. The Prairies are really flat. The west coast has lots of mountains. The rest is pretty equal of flat and rocky. There is my paragraph about Canadian landscapes.

  2. Dear Mrs French
    There are many different landscapes in Canada. Canada has many prairies and grasslands. There also many wet lands and mountains. The Yukon and British Columbia have the Rocky mountains. Canada has many different landscapes.

  3. The landscapes of Canada are interesting. The west coast has Lots Mountains. The east coast is very flat land Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba. Pei, nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador are flat land too. The landscapes of Canada are interesting.

  4. Dear Mrs. French

    Canada’s landscapes are a marvelous thing to see if you can see it all.
    Up in the Yukon, Northwest territories and Nunavut it is pretty low landscape. Up in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatuwan have high ground and Ontario Quebec new fund land and P.B.I are in between. These landscapes are different from each other some are low some are high I sure hope I’ll see these landscapes some day. These are what Canada’s landscapes are like.

  5. Blogs

    The landscapes of Canada. British Columbia, Yukon and Alberta have tons of high mountains. Manitoba,Ontario,Quebec are flatland. There is a little bit of high mountains near the top of Nunavut. The mountains are very beautiful.

  6. Canada’s landscapes

    Canada has many different heights of the land. I noticed that in the east it was a lot lower than in the west. It was also really low around the coast. In the west it has much more mountains and hills. In the north it is also quite high. In the south it is also fairly low. Those are some of Canada’s heights of the land.

  7. I learned about the map when we did our relief map. I learned about what part on Canada in the low landscapes and the high landscapes. I learned what parts of Canada in attached like newfound land and Labrador. Its fun to color the Canada map I used orange ,red, yellow, dark green and light green. I learned about what part of Canada the aboriginal people live and the metis live in Canada.

  8. In Canada there are lots of landscapes like Rocky Mountains. From the east coast to Saskatchewan there are lower mountains then the western Canada. On the west part of Canada there are all heights of mountains. The heights are 200-500Metres 500-1000 m 1000-2000 m 2000-2500 m 2500-3000. In Canada there are lots of landscapes like Rocky Mountains.

  9. What I noticed about my relief map

    Today I am going to tell you what I noticed while I was doing my relief map! I definitely noticed that most of Canada’s higher grounds are in British Columbia! Most of the lower lands in Canada are in Nunavut, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia, those are the lower lands in Canada that I noticed. I learned that there are many different types of height in each province! That is what I noticed about my Relief map! Thank you for reading this paragraph.

  10. In the Canadian landscapes we have some very diverse levels some are high and some are low. In B.C., Yukon, Alberta and a part of Quebec have some of the highest levels. Some of the places are low like Ontario. It taught me something it taught me the different heights of Canada and I didn’t know what a relief map was before you taught us. Then we had to color a Relief Map. FROM?????

  11. The ulefmap totme it uos the hel map fo up an duns

    The relief map taught me about the hi and lows in elevations.

  12. Dear: Mrs. French

    The Canadian landscape has lots. In Yukon and British Columbia there are the Rocky Mountains. There are plenty of hills and trees some spots in Canada are more than 2000 feet! Canada has lots of lakes, rivers, mountains. The Saskatchewan landscape is very flat. The Canadian landscape has lots it has the rocky mountains plenty of hills, trees, and waterfalls this is my paragraph about the Canadian landscape! :)

  13. High and low parts of Canada

    There are plenty of hills, mountains and flat lands in Canada! There are lots of high mountains in British Columbia such as the Rockies. The Rockies are very very very high, estimating up to 2000 feet or more. There are high and low mountains, it is really low in Quebec, and is a bit higher on the sides. I wonder what would happen to the mountains if we had an earthquake?!?!?! I’m sorry, but this is a short paragraph because I have nothing else to right!:)

  14. Canada’s Landscapes

    Canada has lots of landscapes. In between British Columbia and Alberta the Rocky Mountains are really high .Alberta and Saskatchewan no water touches. Northern Canada Inuit used to live in North West Territories. There is a list of some of Canada’s landscapes.

  15. Dear Mrs. French
    Canada’s mountains
    Today in my blog I will be talking about Canada’s mountain heights. I remember that Nunavit is mostly flat so is Saskatchewan and Alberta. The highest mountaians are in our awesome provence British Columbia. I am pretty sure that all of the islands mountains are under 200 meters. So that’s what I need to say about Canada’s mountian hights.

  16. Canada

    Canada is a very diverse land scape. Canada has lots of mountains, lakes, islands. There are also very flat lands around the Pacific Rim. in the arctic lands there is a lot of snow and ice. Canada is a very great place to live in.

  17. Canadian landscapes very from parries too tall mountains. Lots of provinces are lo entail you get around B.C and Alberta. In Saskatchewan and Manitoba there are lots of parries and flat land. B.C. is full of moutons and rivers and hills. Thos are sum examples of Canada’s divers landscapes.

  18. Different diversities of Canada. In British Columbia it is higher at the border line between British Columbia and Alberta. By New foundland there is a lot of cost so you see low land.There is a lot of low land in the middle of Canada. These are the different dicersities of Canada.

  19. Dear Mrs. French

    I am going to tell you about the canadian landscapes.The Canadian landscapes in British Columbia are very high. The highest part of British Columbia is the Rocky Mountains. The Rocky Mountains are in Alberta too. There are almost no mountains on Prince Edward Island. I don’t even think that there are any mountains on Prince Edward Island. The province that has the most mountains are Alberta and British Columbia. The province that has the less mountains is Prince Edward Island.

  20. In the Canadian landscapes we have some diverse levels some are very high some are low like Yukon, Alberta , British Columbia .Alberta and sacachawan have no water touching . Ontario is very flat. In Canada we have lots of different heights. In the Canadian landscapes we have some diverse levels some are very high some are low.

  21. I have learned about the Canadian Shield and more about our province. The relief map had showed me the level all across Canada. I have just got here about five weeks ago and I haven’t learned much. I’ve been to Alberta before and I have seen big mountains when your driving into aberta. I have learned about the Canadian Shield and more about our province.

    This is about Canadian landscape. B.C has the highs land Hanson bay is the loist land. The Yukon is one of the highs same with Alberta. P.E.I is the smallest islands and it is one of the lowst Lands. The eastern side of Canada is lower. This is about Canadian landscape.

  23. This is about Canada’s landscapes Canada’s landscapes are very cool and also the Rocky Mountains even though they are part of Canada. The eastern side of Canada is the lower side of Canada, and the western side of Canada is the higher side of Canada. B.C is part of the Rocky Mountains so it is one of the higher provinces Quebec is one of the provinces on the eastern side of Canada. This is about Canada’s landscapes.

  24. I learned from the fie map B.C. has big moutons. Sum lanes as flat lanes. The little lanes are herd to coursing they are the top of the Canada.

  25. I thoat it was fun coloring the map. I learned there are different levels of ground . There are lots of mountains. I thaot it was fun coloring the map.

  26. Dear Mrs. French
    Doing the relief map I learned about some of the difference in the levels of the Canadian landscapes! Like in British Columbia there are some very high points and though they were hard to color but very interesting! In P.E.I. it is very flat! I learned lots of different things! My favorite part of making the map was drawing the green part! From dog 7orange

  27. From doing a relief map on Canada I learned Canada has different landscapes. There are more high elevations than lows in B.C . What I mean is there are more moutons in B.C. and northern Alberta than the other provinces of Canada. In Saskatchewan and in Manitoba the landscape is mainly flat. In the eastern side of Canada the landscape is also lower than B.C. This is what I learned fro9m doing a relief map.
