Monday, February 20, 2012

I Want My Hat Back

Dear Grade Fives!
Today your Blog response will be posted in Mrs. Gammon’s class blog, 4dragons. Please read the message carefully before responding to the blog. (If you scroll down, you will also be able to listen to the story again, see the hotlinked title.) As usual, write a well-crafted paragraph that you check, using the checklist, prior to posting. Later this week you will be able to check other responses to the blog.  
As usual, I look forward to reading your responses.
Love, Mrs. French


  1. Dear Mrs. Gamin

    In the story I want my hat back I would choose team bear. The reason I would choose team bear is because bears are pretty smart have good sense of smell good hearing but poor eyesight. They also have a good apatite on almost everything except they eat garbage sometimes but I wouldn’t do that. Another reason I would be team bear is because they will stand up to humans sometimes if they are brave enough to do it. Those are most of the reasons I would be team bear

  2. I am on team bear, here is why. I’m on team bear because bears are stronger .The second reason I’m on team bear is because bears are faster and bigger .the last reason is because bears can ea t rabbits. That is why I’m on team bear.

  3. Booner’s blog

    In the story I Want My Hat Back I am team bear. I am team bear because I am a bear in hockey and bears always win rarrrrrr. Bears are big and they can eat people like rabbits and they are really awesome. They have to live in a cave which would be awesome to sleep on a rock and a rock blanket and rabbits have to live in a bush. In the story I Want My Hat Back I am team bear

  4. Dear Mrs. Gamin

    I am on rabbit’s team. I’m on rabbit’s team because he is the one that got eaten by the bear. I also think its rabbit because I think it wasn’t the bear’s hat. The bear was acting weird when the animal asked him if he saw the rabid wearing a hat but he hesitated which makes me think he’s being a little suspichus. That is why I think it is the bear that is wrong. Landon

  5. I picked team bear because bears are very fast .I also like their color its very fascinating how shiny the black and brown coats are. It’s pretty cool how they have really big muscles to tear up meat. Sometimes they can be very vicious. I picked team bear because bears are very fast.

  6. Dear Mrs. Gammon

    I am on team bear because they have really sharp teeth. I’m on team bear because bears can run faster than rabbits. Another reason I chose team bear is because they are bigger and stronger. The third reason I’m on team bear is because bears blend in a little bit and they have a big growl and they scare things off fast. That is why I chose team bear.

  7. I Want My Hat Back

    I pick team bear for lots of reasons. One reason is that bears are one of my favorite animal. I really like the bear because he’s really cute. I also like bears because when I went Alaska I went and there were so many black bears, so that’s a big reason because that’s when I really started loving bears. to me bears are the most pretty animal in the world. I mostly picked team bear is because their fluffy, cute, strong, and pretty. As you can see I picked team bear for many reasons.   <3

  8. Dear, Mrs. Gammon,

    I’m team rabbit. The reason I’m team rabbit is because they are fluffy and soft. They are also fast its just the way they hop. They are so adorable because there long ears. They love carrots and cabbage. There teeth are so big you can’t resist to touch them. They have fluffy bundled up tail almost as if they are cotton balls. I’m on team rabbit.

  9. Dear Mrs. Gammon,

    I am team rabbit. I am team rabbit because they are soft, have pointy ears, whiskers and a fluffy little tail. They are fast runners and jumpers. They like to eat carrots, cabbage, lettuce, and other vegetables. They live underground in burrows. That is why I’m on team rabbit.

  10. I am team bear for a lot of reasons!! I am team bear because I like black and brown and a lot of other colors. I am also team bear because I’ve been chased by a bear!! More reasons are they are fast, furry and quite smart. I am team bear for a lot of reasons!!

  11. Dear Mrs. Gammon

    I am team bear because I like bears and they are furry. Bears eat other animals like rabbits and turtles if they had their shell off. They are a good animal to live in the wild life in Canada. People like bears and bears sometimes like people in Canada. That story was funny I really liked in it was really funny thank you for reading the book and the student that read it and thank you Mrs. Gammon

  12. Are you team bear or team rabbit?

    Dear Mrs. Gammon

    I am team rabbit because they look like little cotton balls in the winter. They are fast when something is chasing them like a bear. They can find food easily where ever they are in Australia or the U.S.A. or Canada. They can steal food from bears and other animals by fooling them. That is why I am team rabbit.

  13. Why I am team rabbit

    The reasons I chose team rabbit is because. Well they’re supposed to be lucky right; I also like them because they’re fluffy and cute! Some are really CREEPY though, I like him in the book because he’s so nervous…….. like me sometimes. I seen a black bear, they’re sort of scary; he had a rabbit in his mouth when he turned around. I felt bad for the little guy. So they are just so vulnerable, I really am like the rabbit! These are the reasons I chose team RABBIT! But I really wanted to be team turtle!

  14. I am team rabbit because rabbits are very adaptable. My second reason is that rabbits are fastest animal to re prudes. My thread reason is female rabbits are very neat and tidy. My last reason is that rabbits are soft un like bears. That is why I am on team rabbit.

  15. Dear, Mrs Gammon

    I’m team rabbit I’m team rabbit because my last name is Whitecotton and to me rabbits are big white cotton balls. Another reason is there so cute and fluffy. Plus I love carrots, twins am I right. That is why I’m team rabbit

  16. I am on team rabbit. Because they can be pets or be wild and they have very good camouflage furs and are nice they are also very fast. They also are soft and do not do any harm to any one. They have lots of fur to keep warm.They are nice animals.

  17. I Want My Hat Back
    I’m team Rabbit because ………….. I’m team Rabbit because Rabbits are SO cute! And I was the fastest kids in my class when I was at the other school! And that the Rabbit looked really cute with the hat on! I’m team Rabbit!

  18. Dear Mrs. Gammon
    I wanted to be rabbit. One of the reasons I want to be team rabbit is because they are really cute. I also want to be team rabbit because I used to have 18 not anymore. The other reason I wanted to be team rabbit is because they are super fluffy. This is why I wanted to be team rabbit but I really wanted to be team turtle.
    The reasons why I wanted to be team turtle. The first reason is because he’s so slow and hopeless. The other reason is because he’s the exact opposite of the rabbit e.g. the rabbits fluffy the turtle is so smooth and not furry. The other reason is because the turtle won the race against the rabbit. that’s why I wanted to be team turtle

  19. This is why I am team bear. I am team bear because bears are faster than the rabbit. Also bears have sharp claws. Also the rabbit stole the bear’s hat. This is why I am team bear

  20. Dear Mrs. Gammon
    I am team bear. Because bears are very fast at running and they have lots of teeth. I think bears are very cool because they are very big. I’m really looking forward to the next story Mrs. Gammon even though we are reading it. That is why I’m team bear.
